The Valley Remembers: 1914-2014
The Valley Remembers: the book published in August 2014,
commemorating those who left the parish to serve in the First World War
is now available (£5 + £1 p&p) from
The Parish Administrator, The Rectory, Rothbury, Morpeth NE65 7TL.
Cheques made payable to Upper Coquetdale PCC (WWI Project).
The Valley Remembers. 1-4 August 2014, commemoration weekend video, click here to view: The Valley Remembers
Friday 1 to Monday 4 August 2014
Centenary Exhibition and Flower Festival, All Saints Rothbury
5 pm, opening of exhibition by the Duchess of Northumberland, 7.30 pm Voicemale concert
Saturday 2 August
Commemorative Concert by Coquetdale Chamber Choir and Soloists, St Michael’s Alwinton
10 am-4 pm, exhibition Rothbury, memorial concert Alwinton 7.30 pm
Sunday 3 August
Rededication of refurbished Memorial Hall, Thropton, 12 noon
1130 am-4 pm exhibition Rothbury, Requiem for the Fallen Alnham 1030
Monday 4 August
The All Saints bell ringers will ring half-muffled bells to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War.
10 am -4 pm exhibition Rothbury. Half-muffled bells – 8 pm Act of Remembrance Rothbury War Memorial 8 pm